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Hunt Costs & Licensing Fees

All hunters applying for big game hunts in New Mexico:

You must have a Game license and stamp package prior to applying this is refundable if you are unsuccessful in the draw: In addition all applicants must return a signed hunt contract prior to applying in the outfitter pool of tags.


NM State Lic. prices:  

All lic. prices quoted are for Non res. they are fully refundable if unsuccessful in the draw they include the $13 non refundable state application fee per species applied for. ***** New this year the game and fish requires all applicants to purchase a game lic and stamp package that is not refundable as it has been in the past *****


State game lic.  **** non refundable  required to apply in the draw *** non res. $65 

State stamp package. nonrefundable required to apply in the draw  Non Res. or Res. $9 

Deer-(Standard hunt $283)

Deer-(high demand /quality hunt $368)

Elk-(Standard hunt $555)

Elk-(quality/high demand $773)


Aoudad/Barbary sheep-($373)



Bear-(over the counter no app. fee $260)

Mountain Lion-(over the counter no app fee. $290)


Small Game with Stamp package-(includes coyotes $75)

Furbearer Lic. / Trapper lic. ($345)

Temp 4 day game lic. ($33)


Hunt Costs:

All hunt prices are subject to and do not include the 7.315% sales tax they also do not include State lic. fees or gratuities 


I offer hunts guided only hunts for two days on some draw hunts then you can hunt on your own .****Call for details and special economical pricing*** These hunts are for the do it yourself hunters  you will need your own vehicle. Not available for all units that we hunt an option for those on a tight budget or just like to be on their own. *** Call for pricing ****


Elk hunts: Rifle , Muzzleloader , Archery:

Guided only 2 hunters /1 guide: $4250 ea

Guided only 1 hunter / 1 guide: $5250 

Fully Outfitted 2 hunters /1 guide: $5250ea

Fully Outfitted 1 hunter / 1 guide: $6250

Rifle and Muzzle loader hunts are 5 day hunts  archery hunts are 5 days but we can add additional days at the time of booking for an additional daily fee 

Some unitwide landowner and ranch only tags may be available : Inquire for details .


Mule Deer:

Rifle , Muzzleloader and Archery: 5 day hunts  

Guided only standard  hunt units no meals or lodging 

2 hunters /1 guide : $3450ea

1 hunter/ 1 guided  $4150

 Fully outfitted with meals and lodging

2 hunters  1 guide $4450 ea

1 hunter 1 guide $5150 

Private ranch landowner tags upon availability : Inquire for details 



Rifle  Archery or Muzzleloader 3 day guided only no meals or lodging

2 hunters / 1 guide: $2950 ea

1 hunter 1 guide $3650 

Extra days may be added to the Archery and Muzzleloader hunts  for some hunts we can also add meals and lodging call for prices. 



Aoudad/Barbary Sheep:

Guided only 2 hunters 1 guide: $3450 ea

Guided only 1 hunter  1 guide : $4150

Fully Outfitted 2 hunters 1 guide: $4450 ea

Fully outfitted 1 hunter 1 guide: $5150

all hunts are 5 days


Oryx once in a lifetime on range draw hunts, I am permitted for these hunts:

Guided only 3 day hunts Subject to change by the military

2 hunters 1 guide $3250 ea

1 hunter 1 guide $3950 ea 


Off Range Oryx 3 day hunts 

2 hunters 1 guide $3250 ea 

1 hunter 1 guide $3950

Extra days may be added to the off range hunts  

we can arrange meals and lodging or assist you in arranging 




Wild Quail Hunts:

Hunts are 2-person, 2-day minimum ( some exceptions may apply). Additional days can be added we will take larger groups up to 6 hunters upon guide availability . Includes use of our dogs or bring your own. Hunts are guided only and include field lunch and soft drinks as well as bird cleaning and packaging. Hunters will be picked up by 7:00 AM and hunt until 3:30 PM  

After 2 lost crippled birds any additional birds hit but not recovered will count against your daily bag limit. 


New mexico:

Mainly Quail Scaled/Blue and Gambels quail , hunts for Mearns may be arranged upon guide availability.  

Guided only Quail hunts  :  $ 750 ea per day 2 day two hunter min 




Dove : 2 person minimum *** Price includes lodging 

Guided only 1/2 day morning or evening hunt: $ 275 each upon guide and lodging availability   


Coyotes and Fur bearers (when in season) Guided Only 

2 hunters w/ 1 guide: $450ea

1 hunter w/ 1 guide: $700 



With all hunts we may be able to add meals and lodging or we can always assist you in arranging it.



        **Hunt Prices listed do not include sales tax ,licenses or gratuities** 





























© 2014 by Brugman Outfitting

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